In the previous segment we started exploring how to eliminate Imposter Syndrome.
One of the more common symptoms is the “fear of being found out” as a fake, an impostor, or worse yet, incompetent which could lead to disgrace and dismissal.
In our “imposter mind” this discovery would be followed by a long fall from our current level of stature into the abyss of being ignored as irrelevant. It would also believe that NOTHING we ever did again would be good enough to redeem us.
That’s quite a graphic and stomach-churning description for someone with Imposter Syndrome.
As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, I like to focus on discovery and elimination of the root causes of distorted, or maladaptive thinking like that. Looking through the lens of “all behavior has a positive intent” and knowing that this positive intent is most often to “stay safe” some possibilities start to emerge. I’ll talk more about them in the video.
Be sure to Tap along with me so you can take another step on your journey of healing from imposter syndrome!
Yesterday I suggested that you watch the EFT Quick Start Video Learning System here
Today I’m going to recommend you download and print out the EFT Tapping Points Cheat Sheet here.
As I said in the video, I look forward to reading the comments you leave below!