5 years and 10 months later…

The last time I added any content to TapAndBitch.com was almost 6 years ago.  A lot has changed since then!  

In addition to a relationship coming and going I went back to school and earned my Master’s in Clinical Mental Health!

Part of what drove me was the knowledge and experience I’d built up over the previous decade an a half working both with clients and on myself.  

Another part of it was the joy I get at the end of a client session right after we finish the Tapping.  There is a look of bewilderment sometimes. “Where did it go?!?!” is telegraphing across their face if this is their firs “real” encounter with Tapping.

I was incredibly fortunate to land both my practicum and internships in the on-campus counseling center.  The director, a wonderful woman named Liz Tomlin, could see the potential within me, and gave me a chance to join her team.  I will forever be indebted to her for that gift!

Fast forward through graduation, some twists and turns, and a bit more than a year working for a local community mental health non-profit, and I was ready to start my very own private practice.  Then the pandemic hit and the world’s plans went sideways.  

More twists and turns, and a whole lot of work getting my house ready to sell, and I’ve ended up here.

Where is here? Part of Russell Brunson’s Two Comma Club X program, and the reason for this post and video.

Today is the first day of a
“21-day Publishing Challenge!”

I’ve decided to participate, even though I’m way behind the “planned” schedule for consuming the teaching content and implementing what we’re learning right now to build the infrastructure that will lead to a SOLID foundation for the business that I’m building. 

Unlike last time, back when TapAndBitch.com was born, I’m not left to flounder about and figure out how to build a real business based on the internet.  

THIS time, I can draw upon Russell’s wisdom as he is teaching, the coaching we have access to every week, the “Hackathons” and Q&A sessions, as well as a very lively and active Facebook group we can collaborate with as well.

For this first video…

I decided to do a Tap-And-Bitch Tapping session focused on what I was feeling as I was facing making this first published video in almost 6 years! 

As you watch it, you’ll notice two, very distinct times when I let out a breath and visibly relax, which is a physiological indicator of Tapping having it’s desired stress relieving effect!

I would encourage you to…

Tap along as you watch this video…

so that you can Borrow The Benefits of the work I’m doing, and benefit from it yourself as well.



Oh, and my plans for the next video and post are to focus on reducing (or eliminating) feelings of “Imposter Syndrome!”  Be sure to check back daily
for the next 21 days at least, and catch the latest episode here at TapAndBitch.com!

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