Delete This Post: After Deploying The Clone

After deploying the clone:
(the details of what’s active are in “wptwin-TapAndBitch_com-2013-02-21-055018.wpt.txt”)

1) If you want to change the MySQL database prefix,
then disable (do not remove/delete) ALL PLUGINS EXCEPT “WebsiteDefender WordPress Security”
–> Select “WSD Security” … “Database” … Under “Change The Current:”
change the name to the new prefix & select “Start Renaming”
–> After completed, then enable the other plugins and configure them.

2) Activate “Admin renamer extended”
–> Plugins…Admin renamer extended
–> change the current “admin” name to what you want the new one to be and click UPDATE
–> You may have to login again.
–> Deactivate the plugin and delete it.

–> Users (select the new “admin”) and choose EDIT
–> Edit the nicname as desired (it is more secure NOT to select the actual username)
–> Update the password ad desired

3) Verify Akismet key is there (79241e947ab9)

4) On “Ultimate Google Analytics” go to Settings…Ultimate GA… and fill in Account ID
after getting it from
Use the SafeHarborMarketing account –> select “+add new profile” & add URL to generate new Account ID

5) Confirm “Settings”…”Reading”…”Search Engine Visibility”

6) Activate BulletProof Security
–> Go to BPS Security…”Backup & Restore” tab
–> Select “Backup .htaccess Files” radio button –> Click “Backup Files”
(There will be an error message in red:
“NO .htaccess file was found in your /wp-admin folder”
which is OK)
–> Select “Backup Your BPS Master .htaccess Files” radio button –> Click “Backup Master Files”

–> Go to BPS Security…”Security Modes” tab
–> Click “Create default.htaccess file” (Should be a success message & caution message)
–> Click “Create secure.htaccess file” (Should be a success message)

–> Under “Activate Website Root Folder .htaccess Security Mode”
–> Select “BulleProof Mode” radio button –> Click “Activate”
(Should be an “Root Folder Protection Activated” message
and an “Important!” message)

–> Under “Activate Website wp-admin Folder .htaccess Security Mode”
–> Select “BulletProof Mode” radio button –> Click “Activate”
(Should be an “wp-admin Folder Protection Activated” message)

–> Under “Activate Deny All htaccess Folder Protection For The BPS Master htaccess Folder”
–> Select “BulletProof Mode” radio button –> Click “Activate”

–> Under “Activate Deny All htaccess Folder Protection For The BPS Backup Folder”
–> Select “BulletProof Mode” radio button –> Click “Activate”

7) Activate All in One SEO Pack
–> Go to Settings…All in One SEO…& fill in the “SEO details” about the blog

7) Activate WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin
–> Be sure to fill in the SEO data when editing the post/pages

8) Configure WordPress Database Backup
–> Tools…Backup
–> Select Tables…”Exclude Spam Comments”
–> Set “Email Backup To:” to “” in 2 places
–> Select “Scheduled Backup” schedule as desired & click “Schedule Backup” button
–> Under “Backup Options” select Email backup to: and click “Backup Now”
–> After backup is complete login to and
–> verify that the backup arrived (check the SPAM folder!!!)

9) Configure Contact Form 7 using “Settings” as desired

10) Configure Google XML Sitemaps as dedired under “Settings”…”XML-Sitemap”
–> Confirm that the “Change Frequencies” settings are as desired.

11) Confirm “SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam” Settings

12) Confirm WordPress Hashcash is configure as desired

13) Activate WP Hide Pages

14) If desired, (do a backup and then) activate and configure WP Super Cache
(may be best to do after content is on the site.)


Lines or no lines?

This is another post to show that the most current post actually is shown below the sticky post

Do you like the first or the second graphic better? Lines or no lines? Please let me know!

This is without lines pointing to the tapping locations

This is with lines pointing to the tapping locations

Please comment below and let me know which one you like the best!


old sticky post video